Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Without money, we have no future.

Read my title and you know what I want to talk about. It's concerning about the choir in the month of July and August. (refer to my older posts)

We haven't recieve our money yet and we WANT it now! We all are anxiously waiting for the money and most of us are desperately needing it. I hope the rumours were true saying that our payment will be around RM200++. Hopefully they won't reduce the amount. They better don't! We worked so hard all day and night, just to perform live in front of everyone including the VIP's. Please, please, we need that money! :(
We waited for 3 months equilavent to 100 days!

Aiyoooo. Omakk.. Ahhhh.. Huhuhuhu.
This is the words that cheers me up everyday. Not only me, Elister too. :P
Everyday in class we must say it maybe a dozen of times and we laugh the whole day long. :D you don't want to know where i got this words. hmm.. Anyways, exams aren't over yet. After Friday, we have our own 'merdeka' celebration. FREEDOM! Good luck to all those having exams now especially to those having PMR now! lol

Byebye. :)
DwennyZayne OUT!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Final Exams!

Hooyahhh. Final exams!
After this exam, theres only a few weeks of schooling. How fun is that?
I won an iPod Shuffle the other day. I collected a big amount of money for the Jogeathon thingy. Actually it was my dad who collected it. Oh well. I get to keep the iPod. Unluckily it was just a 1GB iPod. huhu.

Oh ya, nearly forgetting about Raya celebration. hehe.
It was the best i've ever had. It's not like every other year, boring, boring and even more boring. Good thing there was this UGS Raya gathering at my house. Hope you all had fun at my house!! =D

I gotta study now. See ya all next time. Sorry about the short post.
Byebye. :))))